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Luna Park


So much has happened since we've last spoken. I'd like to start with my most important revelation.

Jelly is NOT jam ???

It's things like this that make me question America's entire education system if I can have my high school degree and still have been completely blind to this fact.

Also, since no one is informing us of important things, I'd like to add that upon finding yourself in the grocery store standing in the aisle of jams, jellies, and an assortment of other spreads that are kept near them, you should contemplate no more. Buy the jam. It is far superior. In strawberry's case anyway. No other fruits really matter let's be honest here.

I wasted $3.29 on strawberry jelly and all it does is create a pit of despair in my stomach (where there should be only jam and happiness) every morning when I open my fridge to see the jar of it just mocking me on the shelf.

With that critical information out of the way, we can move on to less important matters.

Things like ~I am a college graduate!!!

That's right. No one really knows how it happened for sure. It's really all a blur to even me.

An update on school though because I had a bit of a quarter life crisis (okay a couple of them, geez).

I'll be graduating this week with my associate's degree in fashion business management. Next year if all goes according to plan (which it will most certainly not in at least some small sense) I plan to be in the 1 year program to get my associate's degree in textile design so that I can earn the 30 credit hours in art that I need to get my bachelor's in fabric styling! I'll keep you posted as something is sure to go awry.

Another quarter life crisis occurred? Okay, maybe more of just a finals stress induced break in my sanity, causing me to cut 4 inches off of my hair. And since that wasn't bad enough I added bangs. I don't know how it's not much more crooked than it is, but thanks to a Youtube video and my pink $4 scissors I am now some version of a botched sailor moon.

Can't say I really regret it though.

Oh did you actually come here to read a blog post and not some strange front for a journal entry?

Well I guess ya gotta give the people what they want-

I ventured to Coney Island with my sweet friend Gus. It was a bit gloomy, but all the more magic because of said overcast.

Our train stalled and the two of us, an angry old woman, and a homeless young person (or maybe just a young person who Friday nighted a bit too hard and fell asleep on the train car floor), were all stuck in each other's company for a brief moment longer than planned. Twas all okay though. Gus and I made up a rap and practiced our cat walks (skills we'd been meaning to set aside the time to sharpen anyhow).

The park was nice. Something nostalgic about it like it was straight out of a child's dream from the 1970's. We took a bunch of photos, utilized an overpriced photobooth, and then jumped on the train back to Manhattan. I ate an apple on the train and it dripped it's stickiness all over me.

We got back to the city an hour later than planned so we ran to a bodega and ate a brown sugar Poptart and Kind bar for dinner. We got a cab (that almost left us behind) and the driver told us 4 clever riddles, all of which I have unfortunately forgotten. FINALLY we got to Terminal 5 to see The Growlers. They were already playing when we got there but it was magic all the same.

I release you from my rambling grip.

You're the cat's pajamas if ya made it this far.


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