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Green Corduroy Dress

When venturing past Topshop, I simply do not have the self control to not go in, just the same as I do not have the self control to not try on things that I already know I can't afford. The result of this lack of self control? This green corduroy overall dress. It's deceiving though, one may take a glance at the strappy sleeves and knee length bottom and assume it's a dress for the warmest of days. That person would be somewhat incorrect. While it's length and straps do permit it only to be worn on days above 50 degrees, it's corduroy material makes it a sauna from neck to knees. Hence this dress it very temperamental and desires a moderately warm day with just a touch of wind.

Enough about my dress and it's preferred weather though. Spending spring break in Nebraska was just as adventurous and happy as I had hoped it to be. Most people don't truly appreciate Nebraska and all it has to offer, for example me last year at this time (and every year of my life before that). But having left this wonderful state I can now see it for what it really is. This blog takes place on my last day of break while my mom and I were out exploring. We decided this would be a neat place to take a picture or two and before we knew it there were enough photos for a blog. So here we are. Me rambling and you reading my ramblings.

I suppose that is all for now. But to answer your question, no sadly I did not buy one of each of these majestic metal decorations.

Until the next time I find myself in front of a camera.


Black cord necklace- the handy work of me

Head Scarf around my neck- Oscar De La Renta found at Salvation Army

Dress- Topshop

Bralette- Forever 21

Purse- Local Vintage Store

Shoes- H&M

Socks- Forever 21

Photo Credit: Mims

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