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Denim Diaries (installment 1)

I'm feeling blue. Not in the emotional sense of the phrasing, but in the true meaning. You know? Like I'm feeling drawn to the color blue in a visual "Hey, I know you're generally associated with sadness and I'm actually really happy, but let's be friends and how about we coexist anyway?".

Alright alright, all of the other colors are beginning to feel a bit envious of the relationship I have with blue so let's move forward.

This coat. I want you to know that we were brought together and I only sacrificed a five dollar bill for this love affair. My top, which almost makes me look naked, but then you realize there's a nose and mouth and Oh! Hey! It's okay guys she's not naked. It's just a very misleading nude tank underneath of this super neat iridescent top. These super cool jeans are from Pacsun and we've been fraternizing far too often. People are definitely beginning to wonder if I own any other pants. As for the shoes, they are nude Doc Martens and need I say more? They're like clown shoes, but instead of red and blue they are the color of my face. So I like them.


I was lucky enough to get coffee with my sparkly friend Gus today and she let me force my camera lens in front of her eye for a little while. Here is the result:

Photo Credit: Gus Birney

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