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Velvet Induced Happiness

Hello, it's me. You're favorite elusive rambler. But this time, in velvet.

Helloooooo fall. I have missed you dearly. Although, you've only been here a few days and most of which have looked more like summer, I forgive you. But please do get your act together. I have a couple of jackets that are growing impatient in your absence.



A love letter, to fall, from me.

Having watched a few fashion shows and cyber stalking my favorite bloggers, I've noticed a lot of velvet. This resulted in me dreaming of velvet, of course, and the dreams led to an insomnia driven need to find some good velvet. Not to worry though because I came across this amazing purple velvet blazer and have since returned to my regular slumbering schedule. It goes with most of my wardrobe since I tend to wear a lot of deeper colors so prepare to see it an obnoxious amount if you follow me on Instagram or actually see me in human form regularly.

Speaking of favorites, I found this dress at my favorite vintage store in Neb a few months ago and have basically worn it every day since. The print makes me feel like I am a farmer of grapes every time I put it on. What else would someone want to feel like when they put on a dress anyway?

The belt is another favorite that will probably reappear many many times. I found it in an antique mall. I saw the tea pots and knew fate had lead me down that aisle of mismatched old dinner ware just to unite us.

That's about all I have for you on this weeks episode of 'How long can she talk about nothing before I realize I'm reading words that are not cohesive?'

You're the coolest.


Photo Credit: Kristin Leone

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