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Look Nature (ish)

This is the product of forcing my rommate to do an impromptu blog session on the (forbidden to students) rooftop of FIT. Shhh don't tell anyone. Alright well I debated on not mentioning that I accidentally wore an outfit all originating from Forever 21. If it makes you feel any better though, it's not all from the same day, or even the same year. So that makes up for it a little bit right? Cool, I think so too. I haven't done a whole lot of venturing through the city yet so this is the best I could do location wise. Plus look, a little tiny bit of nature. It's actually the most I've seen in awhile..

Anyhow, not a whole not new, forever trying to keep up with my always washing out unicorn hair.

Deeply contemplating being an alien for halloween, maybe a blog post on that?? Don't count on it, I've not yet bought anything for the costume, but I'll see what I can round up and get back to you.

P.S. I don't know what happened to the vertical pictures in this post. They got all blurry for some reason. Sorry about that I am not quite tech savy enough to fix it.

P.S.S. Holding my feet up long enough to get that last picture was the most of an ab workout I've had in the last five years.

You rock for reading my blog of course. Actually if you're reading this it means you made it the very end and that means you passed the test. We're best friends and we're going to hangout every other wednesday morning. Just kidding, but really.


Photo Credit: Breanna Reyes

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