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Garage Door The Color of Sorbet

Yay for my first blog post in New York and double yay for getting lost only to find this garage door that matches my hair.

If you did not know, I have moved to Manhattan for school. Maybe you're wondering how I like living here so far? Well, it's very different than Nebraska, but I try my best to look more like a local than a tourist. I quite like it here and I think the city will only grow on me as the I find the people and places that make me feel like I belong. Down sides of New York include; cockroaches in taco bell and people walking the streets that make you wonder if they'd belong better in some sort of institution. Just kidding (mostly). One of the many upsides of NY; lots of vintage finds awaiting you and seemingly endless places to adventure.

Alright then, to start off with, I'll do my hair. I dye it myself and I use the Color Brilliance Brights by ion in the color rose from Sally's Beauty. BUT if you dye your hair using this brand and are looking for a similar color to mine do not listen to the directions that suggest you let it marinate in your hair for about 45 minutes. I think I leave it in for about 5 minutes. Also, if you're considering an unnatural hair, color such as mine, you must note that it is high maintenance (a pain in the butt). If you wash your hair as often as you should it'll only last a week at the very most.

Okay finally clothing, my shirt is from a recent concert that I went to at the Waiting Room with Emily (good old days) and we were both able to get our shirts signed by everyone in the band. I've been wanting a skirt like this ever since I saw it at Urban Outfitters; unfortunately I am a broke college student and can't afford to spend $60 for a skirt so you can imagine my enthusiasm when I found the same thing at Forever 21 for $18. Lastly, I thrifted these boots from a local store in New York.

Wowzer, I just realized how long that got. Oops. If you made it all the way through I'm sending you virtual hugs and cat memes.

Thanks a bunch for reading my blog. You're the bee's knees.


Shirt- Band Tee (Cruisr, give em a listen)

Skirt- Forever 21

Socks- Forever 21

Boots- T.U.K. A8503 Bootie

Backpack- American Apparel

Patches on Backpack- Various Places

Rings- Various Places

Charm Bracelet- Brooklyn Charm

Black Bracelet- Emily

Silver Bracelet- Vintage from my mom

Opal Bead Bracelet- Brooklyn Flea

Photo Credit: Breanna Reyes

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