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Messy Hair, Messy Life

Hey there. Thanks for coming over and hanging out. Just picture me and you chatting over tea and some sort of fancy pastry that goes well with tea. I'm not properly educated on the correct drink and snack pairings. Oh, also, we're on a pink couch. Pretty much, we're at your great grandma's house. Okay, I think/hope you get the visual I'm going for.

Now that we have that covered, let's get down to what we're here for, cloths that you stitch together and wear on your body because it's a social obligation. This outfit was again, for a concert of course. No, I don't do anything else with my life. I am a full fledged groupie.

I was going for a messy, but still sort of put together vibe. That might be a metaphor for my life, mainly the messy part. I have a thing outfits that match but don't. I call it 'just grabbed what was laying on my bedroom floor'. Even though it secretly took some actual behind the scenes thinking.

My hand cramping is a sure sign from the universe to leave it at that.

Goodbye for now.

See you next week for milk and cookies.


Crop Top: Stolen from lemony

Necklace: Urban Outfitters

Skirt: Forever 21

Plaid Shirt: Urban Outfitters

Socks: Topshop


Earrings: Urban Outfitters

Photo Credit: Emily Knouse

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